NEWQUAY 2012 / THE SUN !!!!!

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After 3 months spent under a dark grey sky ( and rain too) we are really happy to announce you that we have find where the sun was : Newquay TR7 !!! right in Cornwall, it's not a joke !


Since we have left Roscoff, the sun ahve always been with us, only little clouds one morning ( for a bit of shadow) but a deep blue sky avery day !!! crazy ! we don't remember the last time we have had 3 consecutive days like this...

every morning : outside breakfast, can you imagine that ?


Life is really cool in here ^^


for the programm, it's simple : dance dance dance !!!

Jooks have bring them back to the bases of Hip Hop with lots of Old school moves

like the "running man" but also the "Mary J", "kick, ball, change", Mike Tyson", "Bart Simpsons" and many others

that you gonna discover in the end show


The bodies start to feel the pain, it hurts a little... and at the end of this afternoon a relaxing time

with our first surf lesson with Jake , horrible.

We can't wait rippin' the Newquay's swell which is pretty cool today


see U soon for mor news & have a great day too ( if U can ^^)







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